Some things are worth paying more for
I am a big frugality fan; however, there are some areas where I am not willing to compromise. For example, my family believes that happy chickens make happy eggs, so we happily spend the extra money to buy eggs laid by cage-free birds.
Sometimes, there are concrete reasons to opt for a higher priced item. For example, it can be a good idea to spend more for quality. Other times, the reason for buying a higher priced item is simply one of preference. One of our educators once told me that she would only buy Miracle Whip brand mayo and if she couldn’t afford it, she’d rather go without.
I think that depriving yourself of small, everyday items you truly love is a surefire way to make yourself miserable. I know firsthand because last Easter I caved and bought the cheaper eggs (in bulk!) and unhappily ate them for days.
It may seem strange for me to be promoting higher spending. However, I believe that money management is more about what you can do with your money rather than what you can’t do. If it is a priority for you to drink name brand soda or chew special gum, make it a financial priority. Since every extra penny you spend on a splurge is a penny that can’t be spent somewhere else, here are some ideas to contain the costs:
- Cut back on other items that don’t really matter.
- Buy favorite items in bulk when on sale (note: I do not recommend this for eggs!)
- Indulge in moderation to s-t-r-e-a-c-h out your splurge.
- Shop smart by comparison shopping and using coupons.
Do you have a special item you think is worth paying more for?