Extended Modification Solution Program
Don't let temporary setbacks derail your progress. If you're a debt management plan (DMP) client experiencing a temporary disruption in income or an unexpected spike in expenses, the extended modification solution (EMS) program may be helpful way to maintain your debt repayment progress with a smaller monthly payment.
What is the Extended Modification Solution program?
The EMS program is designed to help clients maintain their DMP by temporarily reducing payments on qualified accounts. For a set period of time you will be allowed to pay a smaller monthly deposit toward your DMP. Once that period is over, your creditors will expect your monthly payments to return to your original, agreed-upon amounts.
Am I a good candidate for the EMS program?
If you're struggling to make your DMP payments because of a temporary loss or reduction of wages or because of an unexpected major expense, the EMS program is a great way to stabilize your finances without closing your DMP.
Even if the EMS program isn't right for you, if you've fallen behind on your monthly DMP payments, we want to help you pick the right path forward. So please contact us so we can review your options and put you in the best position to succeed.
Call our Support team at 888.845.5669 or submit the contact form below.