If you can't spend less, try earning more
There are two ways to improve your financial situation: spend less or earn more. Unfortunately, spending less is not always an option. Fortunately, making more money may not be as hard as it sounds. Following are a few creative money making ideas.
Have a garage sale. Remember, one man’s junk is another man’s treasure.
Become a cyber-entrepreneur. Re-sell unwanted items through an online auction service, such as Craigslist or eBay.
Make the most of your space. If you have the room, consider taking on a boarder. If your garage is empty, rent it as storage.
Use your skills to their fullest advantage. Explore hobbies to see if there are income opportunities. Some examples of potentially profitable skills include sewing and cooking. If you are handy, consider doing home repairs or mechanical work.
Explore your own neighborhood. Local businesses often offer convenience and flexible schedules. Check with local retail stores, restaurants, convenience stores, hotels and medical offices for opportunities.
Think outside the box. The sky is really the limit. Consider these additional income possibilities: pet sitting, dog walking, house sitting, childcare, care giving, newspaper route, housekeeping, sports coach, umpire, tutor, substitute teacher, home sale demonstrator.
If you’ve found a creative way to make a little extra money, please share it thorough the comments section.