Gifts that Can Save Your Loved Ones Money

The really great, memorable gifts tend to have certain characteristics in common. They’re usually thoughtful – they reflect an element of the recipient’s personality, or connect in some way to the relationship between the giver and the receiver. Great gifts are also often wanted or needed. They provide value, or at least the perception of value.
The value of a gift can be sentimental or emotional, but it can also be very tangible – as in monetary. You don’t have to give cash to help pad a loved one’s bank account. Instead, you can buy them a money-friendly gift, one that provides real value (and savings) every time they use it.
Reusable food and drink containers
Sometimes out quest for convenience can lead to a lot of unnecessary costs. That can be especially true when it comes to the ways we store, transport, and enjoy our drinks and beverages.
Got a friend who relies on bottled water? Try giving them a stainless steel water bottle (and a water purifier if they need one). Know someone who uses disposable plastic containers and bags to carry their lunch to work? Try gifting some reusable beeswax wraps or more durable silicone food containers.
A bonus: quality food storage containers are essential for meal prepping, which is another great way to save time and money on your weekly food expenses.
French press
Individual, disposable coffee pods are super convenient, and while they're cheaper than ordering a coffee to-go, they can actually add up on a cup-by-cup basis. And that's leaving aside the environmental concerns and the fact that the actual coffee can leave a little to be desired.
French presses and pour over coffee cups are nothing new, but they allow you to make individual servings at low prices (and, depending on the coffee beans, with superior flavor). There's a little extra effort involved, but even if you're only using it for your weekend coffee you can save a little over time.
Slow cooker
Slow cookers are a labor and energy-efficient way to prepare a big meal for a large family. The magic of slow and low can transform lots of basic grocery items into a pretty delightful dinner, and for not a lot of money.
Homemade is often less expensive than store bought, but not everything can be made at home. One homemade replacement that can save you money (especially if you’ve got a substantial habit) is carbonating your own soda or sparkling water. Throw in some flavoring syrups and you've an inexpensive replacement for your favorite store-bought beverages.
Smart thermostat
Try as you might to keep them under control, your utility bills can easily undermine your whole budget. Luckily there’s some pretty great technology out there to help you manage your usage. A smart thermostat like Nest is one way to lower your monthly heating and cooling bills.
Light occupancy sensor
Some people just can’t remember to turn off the lights. It seems like such a small thing, but it can really throw off your electricity bill. If you know someone who struggles with this particular affliction, give them some light occupancy sensors. When no one’s around, the lights go off. Money is saved and no one gets yelled at by their dad.
Smart strip
Power strips can do more than just provide extra outlets. Smart strips are power strips that understand when a device isn’t in use and cut off the flow of electricity (because even if they’re off, your devices are always drawing power if they’re plugged in). Less electricity used means a smaller electric bill.
Rechargeable batteries
Like a lot of technology, rechargeable batteries weren’t all that great when they first showed up. They’re much more efficient now, and a very money-friendly (and environment-friendly) alternative to disposable batteries.
Fitness equipment
Most quality fitness equipment can be a bit of an investment, but if a home gym saves you from having to pay a monthly fee to a gym, than that's an investment that can turn into a big money saver. Just make sure that you're investing in equipment that will actually get some use and won't become an ugly piece of furniture.
Home gardening kits
If you've got someone on your wish list with a green thumb, a home gardening kit can be a fun project with a money-saving bonus, as the discover how to produce herbs and vegetable at home, reducing costs at the grocery store.
What a gift it is to know how to do something! Knowing how to do things like change your oil or fix minor plumbing issues can save you huge amounts of money over the course of your life.
So don’t forget what a valuable gift knowledge can be. If you know how to do something, offer to teach it to a friend or a loved one. Give a how-to book or pay for classes. Knowledge is the one gift that never needs to be replaced or renewed and it keeps its value forever.